Company Registration Lithuania (LLC)
Lithuania Limited Liability Company (LLC) registration online with EU LAW FIRM.
Register limited liability company in Lithuania (Lithuanian UAB registration) with us online – no local presence is required.
Lithuanian limited liability company is the most often used business structure in Lithuania, because of the low share capital requirements and less strict shareholding requirements.
Limited liability company in Lithuania requires only 1 director (natural person) and 1 shareholder. There is no restrictions, the company can be foreign-owned.
When forming a limited liability corporation in Lithuania, at least 25% of the share capital must be deposited.
Description of limited liability company in Lithuania (LLC):
- Minimum share capital from EUR 2500.
- No turnover limitations.
- No limitations on business activities.
- Fast registration.
- Board members must be the shareholders of the company.
- Both private persons and companies can be the shareholders.
- No corporate directors.
Company Registration Lithuania (LLC) Registration Package includes the following services:
- Preparation of all documents;
- Lithuania limited liability company formation;
- Registered office, contact person;
- Full support.
Required documents for company registration in Lithuania:
For individuals:
- Notarized and apostilled passport copy of all shareholders;
- Notarized and apostilled passport copy of all directors;
Copy of a recent utility bill not older than three (3) months.
If shareholder is a legal person:
- Notarized and apostilled company extract (visible directors, shareholders, company status, amount of shares and ultimate beneficial owners).
Document preparation instructions:
- Please note that in Republic of Lithuania, when forming a company it will be necessary to notarize and legalize/apostille company formation documents.*
- Our support team will prepare all relevant documentation and send to you the company formation documents via email. Afterwards, you will need to sign the company formation documents at notary public and either legalize or apostille the documents at your country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs or embassy, depending on your location.
- After documents will be notarized and legalized/apostilled, you will need to mail the document originals to our mailing address for translations.
*Apostille certification is not necessary for documents issued in Russia, Moldova, or Ukraine. Only the translation in Lithuanian language is necessary.
Documents required for Lithuanian company bank account:
- Passport copy of all directors and shareholders;
- Utility bill not older than 3 months;
- CV of the company management;
- Business plan.
Banks may request additional documentation from case to case. Due to the AML regulations, please note that we do not guarantee bank account opening as the ultimate decision regarding bank account opening depends on the particular bank’s decision.Â
Note: All documents in a foreign language must be translated into English and certified by a qualified translator.
Additional information about Lithuania limited liability company formation, document requirements, annual fees and overall details of Latvia jurisdiction you can find here.